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The Set-Content command is a versatile PowerShell cmdlet used to write or replace the contents of a file with specified content, making it particularly useful for creating new files or updating existing files without altering their existing attributes or security settings. This contrasts with similar cmdlets like Out-File, which might alter file attributes or not work identically across different PowerShell versions.

Key Features of Set-Content

  • Overwrite Existing Content: By default, Set-Content replaces any existing content in a file with the new content specified.
  • Encoding Options: It allows you to specify the character encoding for the file. Common encodings include ASCII, Unicode, UTF8, UTF7, and UTF32.
  • No Change to File Attributes: Unlike some other cmdlets, Set-Content does not modify the file’s attributes unless explicitly directed.

Basic Syntax

The basic syntax of the Set-Content cmdlet is as follows:

Set-Content -Path <String> -Value <String> [-Encoding <Encoding>]
  • -Path: Specifies the path to the file where you want to write the content.
  • -Value: Specifies the content that you want to write into the file.
  • -Encoding: (Optional) Specifies the encoding to be used for the file. If not set, Set-Content uses ASCII by default.

Examples of Usage

Example 1: Writing Text to a File

Set-Content -Path "example.txt" -Value "Hello, World!"

This command writes the string “Hello, World!” into the file example.txt. If example.txt does not exist, it will be created.

Example 2: Appending Content to a File

To append content, you should use the Add-Content cmdlet instead of Set-Content as Set-Content is designed to overwrite the existing content.

Add-Content -Path "example.txt" -Value "New line of text."

Example 3: Using Set-Content with Encoding

Set-Content -Path "example.txt" -Value "Some sample text" -Encoding UTF8

This writes “Some sample text” to example.txt using UTF-8 encoding.


  • Performance: For large files, Set-Content can be less efficient than other methods like [System.IO.File]::WriteAllText() due to its overhead in PowerShell scripting.
  • Security: Always consider security implications when writing files, such as unintentional overwriting of critical data or script injection risks.

Further Reading

For more detailed information and advanced usage scenarios of the Set-Content command, you can visit the official Microsoft documentation at:

PowerShell Set-Content Documentation

This source provides comprehensive details, examples, and technical specifications to help you better understand and utilize the Set-Content cmdlet effectively in various scripting scenarios.

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